Mentorship Program

The 3 month 1:1 mentorship program is designed for those in earlier stages of their career to have a trusted mentor in me.

"Your job is not just to do what your parents say, what your teachers say, what society says, but to figure out what your heart calling is and be led by that." - Oprah Winfrey

Starting a job can be hard as hell.  Being early in your career – regardless of how many years you’ve gone to school or books you’ve read – can feel like summiting Everest if you’re doing it alone.  And it doesn’t take long before chats over coffee with friends, partners, and family simply don’t cut it.  It’s not objective.  I remember hitting a wall thinking that everyone was burying me with advice…that would work for them! 

We all deserve a sacred space that is solely dedicated to our benefit - where we can be seen, heard, appreciated, valued, and feel safe.  We are all more than the stories people have told us. We are all more than the stories in our heads with which we self-sabotage!  We all deserve to have a place where someone is truly trying to see us as a whole, unique, vulnerable, raw, & kickass people!

I can help guide you by being in your corner.  It’s not an academic exercise for me - I’ve spent YEARS climbing the corporate ladder, learning things the hard way so hopefully you don’t have to.  I can help you by discovering job options available to you and how to think about launching a meaningful career aligned with your life goals and values.  Or if you’ve started your first serious professional job, I can help you consider the tools necessary to confidently thrive from Day 1 while avoiding the landmines of burnout.  

Your career is personal to you.  And it’s more than just about any one job.  A coach can help you develop a personal code to guide all major job decisions and capitalize on the opportunity each role presents to you.  And while each role may be serious, a coach can remind you to never take it all too seriously as joy, delight, inspiration, and imagination can and should be a part of every chapter in your life!  

    • Beginning a corporate job

    • Graduating from college, law school, business school or a masters program and be unsure about what to do next

    • Applying to many jobs without success

    • Working at a start-up and feeling in “over your head”

    • A new parent and balancing work and personal life for the first time

    • Determine your long-term vision as a guidepost to reverse engineer your career

    • Identification of your unique strengths, interests, goals, work, and life preferences, widening the aperture of what is possible

    • Techniques on the art of interpersonal diplomacy

    • Identify signals from the universe & guide you on how to identify and capitalize on these signals

    • Goal-setting

    • Tools for tackling imposter syndrome

    • Strategies for addressing bias in the workplace

    • Stress reduction techniques

    • Boundary setting methods

    • Build your personal mission statement/honor code

    • Burnout avoidance skills

    • Overcoming people-pleasing tendencies

    • Techniques for tapping into your own personal intuition

    • Discovering curiosity and bliss in the workplace

    • Ethical sounding board

    • Leadership skills

    • Stay supported, accountable and inspired